Drug and Medical Device Lawsuits
Do you have a drug or medical device claim?
For many years, patients have taken the anticoagulant drugs Pradaxa and Xarelto to prevent dangerous blood clots. Unfortunately these drugs are posing even greater dangers to these patients, from uncontrollable bleeding to death. Just like drug companies, medical device companies also knowingly endanger patents, such as those who make transvaginal mesh, pelvic mesh, hernia mesh, and IVC filters. We help victims sue these big medical corporations and win.
Let’s talk about your case.
If you think you may have drug or medical device case, we’re ready to help you. Ben Martin Law Group is a national leader in drug and medical device lawsuits, both in individual cases and multidistrict litigation. We understand the complexities of product liability cases and know how to take on big pharma and drug companies and their legal teams to get results for our clients. If you would like to know more about representation or have one of our experienced attorneys provide a complimentary evaluation of your case, let’s talk.